The point about disappointment being a gift resonated with me so much. I've struggled with social anxiety my whole life and always dreaded job searching. I stayed with my current job for over a year until yesterday. I've thought about quitting months ago but because of anxiety and not feeling ready to put myself out there again, I stayed longer.

However, last month I decided it is finally time to let go. I've not felt as anxious and actually excited to put myself out there again and look for something new. I came across an amazing job opportunity and felt like it was meant to be. I was so excited and keen to do it. Then yesterday on my last day of work at my current job, I received a rejection letter. Despite knowing that if things don't work out they are probably not meant to be, I felt so gutted.

After reading this post, I can see that maybe this experience wasn't about actually getting that job. My application got rejected but that doesn't matter. What matters is that I finally have the courage (despite anxiety) to put myself out there and look for better opportunities, to create a better life for myself.

Thank you so much for sharing this, Beth, reading this meant a lot to me.

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That is exactly what matters. There will be other jobs, but what a realisation along the way❤️

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Congratulations on Kokoro's launch!

Speaking of a book's launch, the tale of Going Places by Sulit Press.

I was one of the authors that wrote a chapter for the multi-author book, going back to my first trip to Spain as a solo traveler in 2015. The only thing was, I couldn't promote it stateside, as I was on a two week vacation to Greece last October. As the launch of the book was on Central Time in the US, it was nine hours difference between Austin, Texas and Santorini, Greece. I couldn't sleep that night knowing that the book's launch was slated for the afternoon of October 3rd.

But there it was in my e-reader and the joy couldn't be kept off of my face.

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Congratulations to you too!

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Beautiful reminder on the gift of disappointment. I needed to read this today. Congratulations on your book! I can’t wait to read it. You have been such an inspiration for my own writing journey. Thank you. 🙏🏼

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Thank you Raquel. I hope you love Kokoro Xx

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Good morning, Like so many of your followers, myself included, are in the process or have read Kokoro and I think it couldn’t have come at a better time. I love everything about it. ♥️

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Sending you tender squeezes followed by raucous whoops of YES YES YES!

Isn’t it a ridiculous coup to have almost been that bestseller? Getting there could not have underscored your journey in such a perfect way. This result is epic alignment.

This way is going to touch the souls of gazillion more people than the pedestaled route. And…your humanity at missing an industry status mark is all the more to cherish about you.

Imagine ARMIES of people throwing off their shackles to try out buried dreams because they read your words in Kokoro - this is what makes an Everyday not just Sunday bestselling author! Well done Beth! x

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The ups and downs! Shew! I appreciate so much the honesty about writing life and the reframing of disappointments. I can certainly resonate with the vulnerability of putting work out there. So good! 👏🏼👏🏼

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Double helix .. yes so true. I resonate with so much of this .

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Such a lovely post Beth and I’m looking forward to diving back into my copy of Kokoro tonight. 🤗 I think it’s natural to be a bit disappointed at such a close miss. But wow, congratulations!

Lots of people are sharing what they are grateful for on my last post, some going through difficult life things, better to see the full spectrum of wonderfulness as you do, life is too hard without that!

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Beth,thank you so much for your signed first edition which arrived yesterday.It now has a special place on my bookshelf.

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So lovely to hear 🩵I hope you will take it down to read from time to time 🤣

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CONGRATULATIONS, Beth! That is incredible and so richly deserved.

I had a similar story, when Olive missed the Sunday Times Bestseller list by a handful of copies so it was number 11 and I was so gutted at the time. But now I see it as bloody amazing. Huge congrats xoxoxo

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I have been in Tenerife celebrating a friends birthday and decided to stay on for an extra two weeks to concentrate on writing and really think about the path I want to be on. Each time I complete one of Beth’s books or courses I feel so inspired, I feel “I’m a writer and the world needs my medicine” - then life gets in the way. My daughters need my help, and I’m eternally grateful they still need my help in their 30s. My partner needs my time, friends, family we all know we have reasons for not making the time to write. Having now read the third confessions of an author I am making a promise to myself writing comes at the top of the list - it’s ok to put me first - it’s ok to put my writing out there - it’s ok to believe I am a writer even though I haven’t been published - it’s ok to be super excited about Beth’s next course and of course reading Kokoro when I get home. I’ve also restacked the essay … at least I think I have 🙈 the first one may need to do a little course on the workings of Substack 😊 I know your book is going to be amazing Beth and congratulations on its immediate success 💕

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Yes to this!

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First congrats on your publication, I am excited to order and start reading your books. I will start with the newest and have to back track. I am a lover of self-help and I have to say thank you for this message. Over the past month and a half, I finally started sending out queries for a book I've been working on the past three years(with breaks in between) upon receiving 6 rejection responses I have quickly began to start doubting this book I have been so passionate about and poured so much of my truth, heart and soul into. It is reminders like these that the universe sends me, reminding me to keep going. Reminding me that everything doesn't happen to me but for me. Like you said, if one agent rejects me that agent is not the best fit for me. I truly believe as a self-help writer, life often throws me these obstacles so that I can walk my talk, I write endlessly on teaching others to do these very things. Overcome limiting beliefs, change their perspective of adversity, find the positive in the negatives, and this message you wrote just revealed to me how ironic my book I'm writing is. As I'm writing it, I am living it, and it makes me love my book so much more because I feel the pain of taking the steps, I am displaying in the book and yet I can still see the beauty of what is waiting at the other end. You are exactly right when you say that it is amazing to just have written the book. Your message reminds me of the main purpose of being a self-help author- simply to help others. Thank you for being brave to share this message, for aspiring authors it is inspirational to see that not every failure is a failure and also that even the best writers has their down falls too.

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You are already helping people in the work you are doing and the way you are doing it

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So close to the list must be so frustrating! I feel for you. But like you say, touching people with your words is ultimately the greatest goal of all, and you have done this a hundred fold!

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What a beautiful post Beth, your honesty is so refreshing and inspiring. You’re opening up doors for us all to be who we truly are by showing what that really looks like for you.

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I’m devouring all your words!

How amazing are those reviews? Whoa, you must be blown away!

This was particularly expansive:

“It’s strange because of course anyone can go and buy a book, but there is something in the action that they take, spending money to buy that ticket into the story, that makes it okay to share such personal things, as if they have skin in the game, just like you do.”

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I love your honesty in the face of disappointment. You are an inspiration to many writers!

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