Love this post - especially confessions 2 and 3 - nothing more to add, simple as that!

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What I can relate with; social media being kinda a distraction to some extent, getting paid to enable writers produce more and more.

An artist's inner voice is so strong that they have no choice other than to find expression by speaking their mind, painting, dancing, singing or whatever means of expression they naturally flow with.

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I just pre-ordered Kokoro and can't wait to start reading! Looking forward to Spring Light, too! Just added that writing sanctuary into my planbook/calendar! ~:0) ~:0)~:0)

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I'm sorry that you had such a negative experience at the writing course, but so glad you were able to turn it into gold. I loved the winter writing retreat and regularly enjoy your podcast episodes as little mini pep talks and of course the writing prompts.

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Really enjoyed this Beth, and your daughter is very wise indeed! x

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Thank goodness you didn't listen to the residential. I'm sorry you were shamed like that, and I'm so glad you didn't let it keep you down for long. We're all richer for it.

Yeah, why can't creatives get paid? We all need to live and money is the current currency. We support each other with our values, and if someone is 'triggered', then thank goodness; maybe it'll wake them up, too.

Can't wait for Kokoro & the Spring Writing Sanctuary. The Winter Writing Sanctuary gave me permission to give myself time and I (re-)found my writing voice. Although with best intentions, I have not kept up the practice, but think of it every day and April's sessions will help give me permission again. Thank you!

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It’s always good to hear your soothing words that cheer us on in this writing journey. ♥️

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I love all of these! Well said and just what I needed to hear this evening.

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Love this post - all the confessions resonated-apart from final one and only that I’ve not really early much money yet from writing. A little bit with my first book I guess.

My confession would be how much I like losing myself in a train of thought or an idea and trying to pull out the threads of what I’ve learnt from an experience or something I’ve read. It often feels for no purpose other than it makes my brain work. 🤷‍♀️

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When ordering from America, the mail from the U.K. is prohibitive. Can you offer it to Amazon USA?

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Thank you for this encouraging essay (they all are!) Just an FYI that Amazon US does not have your book available to pre-order. It just says "unavailable". 😞

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Thanks for this - parts 1 and 2 – very helpful and interesting! Good luck with Kokoro!

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Thank you so much, Beth. You are the most open-hearted and generous writer I know. And because of you, your Winter Writing Sanctuary fanned the small flame of my decision to return to writing and now it burns brightly.


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100% confession #3. If only I would stop scrolling - but everything is so interesting!

We have SO many books! My “to be read” pile is huge! (Including now also your Fearless Writer book 😂). I read A LOT!

I tiptoe round the edges of writing - every so often I pick up a third prize in local writing comps, and then I don’t give any time to writing for years! Once I paid a small fortune for an online writing course, and the cost alone made me apply bum to chair and not only finish the course but finish a 70,000 word novel - the single copy that I printed sits in a paper bag on a shelf, hidden under a pile of fabric or knitting wool I think! Must get on to that second draft sometime 😂.

I think in 18 months I will retire from the day job, maybe then…

❤️. Can’t wait for Kokoro to arrive in my mailbox.



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You have changed my life Beth, and I am so grateful for that. You know I resonate with your feelings about that crummy writing workshop experience…..I had my own with a well-known over-sharing writer here in the states, after which I could not write for years. You advised me which classes to buy and I have just finished Excavate Your Life which has given me a good foundation for completing my book. I look forward to the other two courses in the bundle. You are a treasure!

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Wow the writer’s “workshop” sounds horrible! It’s good to see you have found tons of success despite your “nauseating” work lol. Good on you !

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