Ha ha! That’s me with the blue hair at the end alright!! What a lovely place I have travelled to in my mind reading this. I swear I could smell bees wax polish and dusty old books!

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When I visited Dickens' home in London I felt like I was dwelling briefly in the pages of his writing. Thank you for this lovely post.

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The best tiny gift I️ ever received was from my daughter. She was probably 10 at the time. She created a 4”x5” blank journal for me and on the cover drew trees and flowers by a stream. Across the top she wrote “to mommy My Writer’s idea book.” The note she wrote inside the cover was “This is a place to keep all your ideas so you won’t forget them.” It is a treasured item.

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What a gift!

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Thank you for this Beth. It has made me smile. Love the video too - I haven't seen it before. Having taught 'A Christmas Carol' for GCSE for years - it still brings me joy - and I cry every time I read the part where Bob goes upstairs to Tiny Tim's bedside, where the little boy's body lies. The tenderness of that scene in the Cratchit house is unparalleled. And... my daughter and I ( now she is an English teacher too) were at 48 Doughty Street last weekend - having never been before! It was a treat to be able to imagine the rooms you were describing. Your lovely decisions about your books mean that 'Kokoro' feels like an event before you even start reading it - a bit like the first editions of 'A Christmas Carol'. I have bought another copy of 'Kokoro' as a gift for someone this year. Happy Christmas - and thank you for all of your prompts and thoughts this year.

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What a wonderful book to teach. Thank you for sharing these reflections 🙏🏻

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Such a lovely read!

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I got a little spruce branch with some holly tied together with a red bow once and I still have it! Combining my love for nature and Christmas- very thoughtful!

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Oh such a lovely set of memories and yes, small gifts are often the most lovely. And the little film is wonderful, made even more so from the story behind it.

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Love this Beth. I normally make miniature dolls for my sisters, who, like me are dolls house enthusiasts. A bad flare of a chronic health issue made the sculpting impossible this year. However, I found some tiny photo albums that had lots of sayings about sisters in them. I scanned and printed tiny photos of us throughout our lives...I am 70 years old,so they span a few decades and put them in the albums. I LOVED making them and cant wait to see their response when they open them.

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This is a brilliant idea. Hope they loved them

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In this time of so many belongings that I seem to belong more to them, small tender symbols of love and memories are my most cherished gifts to receive ❤️

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That video was soo cute and made me chuckle several times!

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Awww what a sweet collection of gifts from your Mother! As for tiny gifts…. I’m not sure I’ve ever received one. Hmmmmm

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I have a small gift for my partner that I’ve been working on for months. I cut thin strips of origami paper and every time I notice something I’m grateful for in him, I write it on a slip, fold it in half and stick it in a pretty jar. I plan to give him the full jar of gratefulness on Christmas. Maybe I got the start of this idea from you, Beth, I can’t remember. I think my guy will love it though.

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This is so lovely ❤️

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I love this. Charles Dickens is my absolute favorite author, and I was so tickled to have guessed the location correctly, even though I'm less than familiar with plum puddings at Christmas, (I'm American, plus I was raised in a religion that didn't celebrate holidays.)

I was with you last year during the Winter Writing Sanctuary, when you shared about making this tiny bookshop with your children that day. The thought has stuck with me, and inspired me to allow more creativity and play, in my surroundings and my day.

I've always wanted to visit England, and now that museum is top of my list! Thank you for sharing your experiences and your words. You are changing my life for the better, DAILY. <3 Happiest of holidays to you, your family, and to this whole lovely community!

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Such a lovely thing to say Hilary, thank you. If you get the chance do go and visit Beatrix Potter’s house Hill Top in the Lake District too ❤️

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Thank you Beth, timely and lovely as ever. The idea of wrapping and gifting words is something I'm thinking about this year, wondering how to do it.

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What a fun video! Creativity surrounds you, Beth.

I prefer tiny momentos when I travel as I have moved so much over the years. I have a postcard collection from past travels and now a fridge magnet collection from more recent ones.

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Postcards are very special ❤️

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It makes all the sense in the world that Christmas pudding and Charles Dickens would have a connection. Thank you Beth, for all the words that you bring into the world.

A Merry Christmas to you and yours and a Happy New Year too!

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And to you!

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