My first ever paid subscription, and it seems only right that it should be yours Beth! I absolutely loved both your 'Winter Writing Sanctuary' and 'Spring Light' courses, and the inspiration and confidence that I gained from them. It was thanks to you that I discovered Substack and I know that being part of your Soul Circle community will continue to inspire me, and who knows, it might just be the encouragement I need to discover what I want to write about!

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Hi Beth, I absolutely love your beautiful writing and your kindness with how you talk to people and give so much of your time. I’ve quietly dipped into two of your short courses and posted responses once or twice. Due to your inspiration I started a Substack a few months ago just for friends and family to read. It is just a few memories and very personal. I only started it as an experiment to see what I’d come up with. All I can say is that a tiny bud of pure happiness grew when I allowed myself to indulge my own little world. Soul Circle sounds wonderful but do you think it would suit me as someone who is only writing very occasionally, and for my own joy? I’m feeling hugely reticent and shy about sharing it because even though I’d like to put my version of joy out into the world one day, I do feel it is irrelevant really. Is it important to engage with the Soul Circle a lot, or can I be silently part of it until I get enough confidence to speak up? What do you think? Is it the right community for me?

Thanks for your time, love Becky

Ps my three words are family, wildlife and astrology 💖

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Here. Now. Content.

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Hello Beth, I am trying to subscribe but having difficulty. It is not accepting my card. Is there another way to register?

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Hi Alicia, thank you for your interest! Unfortunately we do not have anything to do with the payment system, it is all through Substack, but this article is quite helpful: https://support.substack.com/hc/en-us/articles/360037607131-How-much-does-Substack-cost

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I'm happily in! Looking forward to this new soul circle with this beautiful group of people.

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Wonderful, so glad to have you!

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Such inspirational words. I‘ve been pondering what I want to do with my life and what it is that I love. I have a constant feeling of restlessness within me, as if there is something constantly calling me away. I listened to Janie Everett‘s soundbath (again) as it matches the ROW invitations. I felt like floating in a river and suddenly I understood that I can fully surrender to my river and still be safe. I surrendered to the flow accepting everything that the river gives me, and at the same time, I realized that if I give myself and all my words, my stories will travel forever. Maybe if I write from my travelling self, that restlessness will stop. One question from Kokoro stays with me: What would you do if you only had 3 weeks left to live?

Adventure - Love - Freedom.

I wonder what it would be like to actually travel to a retreat. That is something I want to do.

Cannot wait for SoulCircle to start! My first ever paid subscription.

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Such important ponderings that cannot be rushed. Your three words have actually been the founding values of my company since the beginning, so interesting. I am honoured that SoulCircle is your first ever paid subscription and I hope it opens up the floodgates to words and ideas Xx

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ah, so lovely to know that we share values! Doing all your lovely promts and invitations has certainly opened something in me. I can say that you are the person I have virtually spent the most time with over the last months, reading and writing away the days. I feel as if I could sit with you and chat about writing and creativity for hours. I‘m forever grateful that you made me realize that I AM a Writer! ❤️ Something I definitely need more of: Butterflies!

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Jul 1Liked by Beth Kempton

Ease. Nature. Joy. I’m 100% in and cannot wait ☺️

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Love and love! Xx

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My partner will soon be relocating to Saudi Arabia for work. I will not be going with him but as a consequence of his new move I have been able to give up a job I didn’t particularly love, although my colleagues were amazing. This has left me free to do what I love. Now all I need to do is decide how to do that in a way that helps me make the most of my free time. I can be very indecisive and fearful, overthinking things and missing out on adventures and opportunities as a result and for this reason my 3 words are fearless, adventure and time. I have been given an opportunity of a life time and in between supporting the man I love as he works away from home, I want, need to focus my time and fearlessly march forward, grab hold of life and do what I love. I love writing, particularly poetry. I love photography. I love being creative and now is the time to walk through the door that has been opened and take my creativity to the next level, whatever that looks like. Thank you Beth for Joy, Boats, Time. As always your words have helped me spill mine x

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This seems like a door is opening to an exciting new chapter for you. May it be wonderful Maureen Xx

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Beth Kempton

I had cut myself off from any more paid subs for the rest of this year, but so happy to open the door to Beth, and join this wonderful community! Excited to be part of it.

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So glad Emily, welcome!

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My three words over the past 3 years have been fierce, focused, free.

I might now shift to Freedom, Fresh Air, Wild Abandon.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Beth Kempton

One of my tattoos says 'Love never fails' and that surely is a belief as deeply as my longing to see the expression of it in daily life. Again and again and again.

Another one that reminds me to your sharing here Beth, is 'Beauty, strength and dairy dust' which resembles life's qualities to me.

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Lovely choices!

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I love this Beth - it sounds so lovely and your writing always soothes my soul.

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Beautifully written, inspiring account of your journey towards truly knowing whom you really are and why you are here.

Thank you very much, Beth, for your honesty and transparency.

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My pleasure, thank you for reading

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I’ve absorbed every word of this Beth, as I have many of your words over the years, and as per they’ve got me deep in thought. I’m pretty certain Cornwall, and particularly St Ives, has magic powers that reach those with a creative soul.

My words…

Words - sharing more of them, more of me, with others, with myself. Courageous words to heal, to grow and to connect. On paper, spoken aloud, performed.

Mooching - more time just spent being. Moving. Seeking inspiration. Mooching in galleries and theatres, new towns and coastal paths. Letting the downloads, download.

Wild - self expression set free. Dancing, singing, painting, sketching. Piercing and tattoos, bright colours and bold jewellery. Wild nature, wild coasts, wild swimming. Unleashing more me.

Thank you Beth….and now I’m off to subscribe ✨

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I could not agree more about the magic. What a delightful trio of words. So happy to welcome you into SoulCircle Karen

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I was talking with my daughter the other day about who inspires you, she asked me the same question I said Beth Kempton and Deliciously Ella - the very next day your email came through about Soul Stack. I am so excited, I know this is what I need to believe in my writing journey with like minded people and with your guidance I just know many people will gain confidence and new abilities as writers, just as I have with your courses and books. This is truly exciting and can't wait to go forward with Soul Circle. x

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I loved hearing this! So funny how that happens

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