This article is wonderful! I've written Haiku before but this clarified for me how to best write the content. Thank you!!

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I loved this beautiful article. I’d never written, or knew much about haiku till this year’s Winter Writing Sanctuary with Beth, and found this essay and resources so inspiring. 🙏

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Love this! Thanks Beth, I shall be giving this a go. Beautiful.

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I so enjoyed reading this, I love haikus! I try to write one to go with each of my watercolor paintings , thank you!

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A narrow ingress

Nature’s path guiding my soul

Caw! Mocks the old crow

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Hello Beth! Found you by way of this article…

I was turned on to Haiku by @TylerKnottGregson and have even read about haiku as meditation…

Most of my notes here are Substack are haiku I have written along with photos I take on my daily walks…

Would love any feedback you would like to provide


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Sunlight bursting through

Alighting on lush green ferns

Bathing green with gold

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I’ve just written a haiku, first poetry in ages, about a view across the sea from my parked car. Then I wrote one about a frog we saw in a pond. My son and I both laughed out loud at it and it was sooo cheering.

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This post was brought forward. I’ve recently started my Substack the575project.com to memorialize my idea of writing a haiku every day for a year. They certainly aren’t always amazing but the full body of work will be something I am proud of. I love the concise nature of this form of creativity.

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Dark shadow lengthens

A silent soul by my side

Its footfall unheard

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Rising wind bends grass

Movement in the morning sun

Winter's dance unfolds

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Just came across your writing this morning, nice to wake up to

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Four Haikus and a couple with two versions.

1. Apple tree is bare

Three lone leaves remain

The breeze picks up


1. Apple tree is bare

It looks to be dead

The breeze picks up

2. Harsh end and thorns

All that remain of the pruned rose

A piece on the grass, missed the green bin

3. It stretches along below the hedge

The ivy, healthy dark green

The hedge holey and full of stick


3. It stretches along below the hedge

The ivy, healthy dark green

The hedge, its bared branches leaving big holes

4. Patches of peach amidst the grey clouds

Rolling over the pale blue sky

The air with a chill

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The sky holds the snow

The ground anticipates its arrival

The Robin sings his song

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The sky holds the snow

The ground anticipates its arrival

The Robin sings his song

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The crisp morning sky

Pale sun poking through

Hello, last day of the year

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