Thank you Beth for your beautiful words - your book is stunning, beautiful and supportive and reflective of loss, love and family. Thank you for your words - they are medicine for me

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"We get to have this day." - I need to remember this on the days my Mom is stubborn and the dementia is taking over.

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I'm choosing more contentment with what is right in front of me. There is only now and I can only be myself.

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Honestly, more time, more energy, more wisdom, more understanding, more nature, more ease.

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I love this piece. A perfect description of how art and life and nature twine together and mirror each other.

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A second comment; springing out of the deep journalling stuff.

You ask what more I am choosing these days?

I am choosing less. Not for some slick 'less is more' but simply because less is less. And it's bloody brilliant!

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So true, Less is less and all the better for it. I'm not always so good at doing less - it feels quite deliberate rather than instinctive.

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Took me a while to grasp that there was no thing to do in order to do less. Simply less doing. Egged puddings and gilded lilies spring to mind. Imperceptible at first, the habit becomes, well, habitual, all by itself.

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Quite. Maybe I am trying too hard :)

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Your words, as ever, touch my heart and awaken my kokoro. This essay is profoundly beautiful and, yes, bittersweet. Thank you, Beth.❤️

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Spent a lovely, lonely hour in the small hours of this morning with the larger than life moon and Xavier Rudd's music (along with Cat Stevens's Moonshadow and Allen Ginsberg's Gospel Noble Truths - and much silence too. So thank you for enhancing that whole experience. Inspired to order Kokoro on Audible, which I've just done to be able to take in this beautiful writing during the darknesses without needing a light. (I read it in hardback earlier this year and found so much to resonate with. My mother fell at 82 and lived another nine months, unable to eat. During that time we found new depth to how we knew and loved each other, a time for which I am so deeply grateful I'd find it impossible (yet) to express in writing what this was like.) Whatever it is that you bring to this world, my world, Beh Kempton, please keep doing it because the words flow more easily through me these days - someone asked me the "what do you do?" question recently, in a shop in a small market town and I heard myself answer - I write, I'm a writer. And you know what? I am too.

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I, too, have always been somewhat confounded/amazed by the concept of time. An image I often go back to is my elementary school aged self playing tetherball at recess. There I am in what was once the present tense, now past tense, and here I am now in the current present moment -- and somehow we are both one and the same, connected in some timeless link that stretches across all dimensions.

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Extraordinary. I just found out I will lose my mother soon too. Out of the blue. And she can’t eat either. And then I read this about grief of your loss. Coinci

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Beautiful words and song . I wake each morning & express gratitude for another day.

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A beautiful way to begin

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Where to start the beautiful wisdom of your words? There is so much even in this short piece that take so much from, but ‘I get to have this day’ is going to be my new mantra in the mornings. Another precious day to do so much with and to spend with the people I love most. That I you, for that and for all the other wonderful pearls you have shared. I’m definitely going to get the book.

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What a thoughtful, precious response, thank you Dawud 🙏

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Sorry for the spelling errors!

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I love that song since you shared it. I will listen to it tonight in Nice over the sea. Thank you for your beautiful sharing and words. I feel we are connected in some way. As I was cycling up the mountains yesterday, I was thinking That if I should leave this earth today, I know I’ve done and said everything I’ve ever wanted. I would be at peace to continue my journey in another dimension.

And if I’m granted another day, I know I will not change a thing. I know I’m abundantly filled with love and gratitude. I will continue to work on my trust and faith. Full moon blessings to you Beth.

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What an amazing realisation. Thank you so much for sharing it. Blessings to you too Irene

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Sep 17Liked by Beth Kempton

This is lovely, Beth--and resonates. Thank you.

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Still- Slow- Quiet…These are the words I’ve had engraved on a bracelet that I wear all the time. Simple things - quite probably a sign of me getting older…but I feel like I’ve finally arrived, there is no more need to rush. 🌕

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Sep 17Liked by Beth Kempton

At this time in my life, I am choosing more courage to pursue my dreams and more creativity to fill my days. 💗

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Sep 17Liked by Beth Kempton

I like this piece and your goal and want to second it. Im not in a very good place yet emotionally where I can devote much time at all to my creative pursuits like playing Ukelele or writing. But I do journal almost every night and I have hope that my 'courage will catch up to my passion.' Can't remember where I heard that quote, maybe it was from Howard Thurman who also said I think I'm quoting correctly 'the world needs people who have come alive.' Whew I didnt sleep well and rose early! But my favorite quote today is from Beth's Mom. That's beautiful and profound.

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I used to have that quote about what the world needs written on my bedroom door when I was a teenager! My whole door was covered in quotes. I had completely forgotten about that. So curious. Thank you for the reminder Xx

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