Deep Journalling


Welcome to #KOKOROWORK, a 36-day deep journalling adventure. Each day from September 9 - October 14 2024, I am sharing one thought-provoking question from my new book Kokoro: Japanese wisdom for a life well lived, with an invitation for you to go deep in your journal, responding to that question.

This page will be updated daily with the latest question. You can start anytime, but I encourage you do the questions in order.

Kokoro (心) is a beautiful untranslatable term in the Japanese language which is perhaps best articulated in English as 'the intelligent heart'. Asking ourselves the kind of questions I will be sharing in the coming days, and listening for the answers to arrive, is the work of the intelligent heart. It is #kokorowork. I hope you will join me in doing this, and release some of the wisdom you carry within onto the page in the coming days.

You might like to light a candle before you begin, or put on some quiet music, and then ask the question to yourself, take a deep breath, and listen for the answer. Allow the response to surprise you. Don’t force it. Don’t write what you think you should write in case someone reads it. Just write what comes.

Personally I like to write the question at the top of a new page in my notebook, and then fill an entire page with my response. Why not try that?

When you have finished, if you want to, I invite you to summarise your response in a single sentence and share it in the comments of this post, but this is completely optional. You are very welcome to just enjoy this as a quiet solo practice.

✨May these questions guide you inwards, so your own kokoro can guide you forwards.✨

Beth Xx

All questions are taken from my new book KOKORO: Japanese wisdom for a life well lived.

💙 Order your copy by September 30 and get FREE access to a beautiful two-week writing class! Details at💙

Questions for Days 1-3 come from Chapter 1 ‘LIFE: The Scroll Unravels’

DAY 1: Where are you in your life right now? How is this different or similar to how you imagined your life would be at this particular age and stage?

DAY 2: What tensions or conflicting priorities are real for you right now? (Don’t judge, just write them down)

DAY 3: What questions about life just won’t leave you alone? (You don’t have to answer them, just write them down). If you like, add some thoughts about why these particular questions might be following you around at this particular moment in time.

Questions for Days 4-6 come from Chapter 2 ‘HEART-MINDFULNESS: Just arranging flowers’

DAY 4: In which areas of your life do you tend to overthink things? What might be different if you tried to tune in to the wisdom of your kokoro – your intelligent heart – and follow its guidance instead?

DAY 5: Think of a recent situation where you have carried negativity from one space to another. How could you have cleansed your kokoro - your intelligent heart - in between to avoid contaminating the new situation? (Note: In the book Kokoro I share how I was taught to ‘cleanse my kokoro’ by spending time in nature, or in a peaceful place like a shrine or temple, just being quiet)

DAY 6: Who do you know who lives guided by their kokoro - their intelligent heart? In what ways do they inspire you? What could you learn from them?

Questions for Days 7-9 come from Chapter 3 ‘STILLNESS: Where silence speaks’

DAY 7: What everyday activities or occurences would you savour more if you knew that the next time would be the last time?

DAY 8: Take a moment to get quiet, breathe deeply and listen from your kokoro - your intelligent heart. What do you need to know today?

DAY 9: How could you build more opportunities for stillness and silence into your daily life?

Questions for Days 10-12 come from Chapter 4 ‘TIME: A voice like thunder’

DAY 10: What is your relationship with time?

DAY 11: To what extent do you try to plan and control your life? What might be different if you eased up and focused your attention on the present - this point in your life, this week, this day, this hour, this moment?

DAY 12: Coming Friday 19 September

Questions for Days 13-15 come from Chapter 5 ‘MORTALITY: Here. Not here.’

DAY 13: Coming Saturday 20 September

DAY 14: Coming Sunday 21 September

DAY 15: Coming Monday 22 September

We will keep going through all twelve chapters - thirty-six days in total! Check back daily for the latest question.


I am currently offering a FREE place on my beautiful two-week writing class Autumn Light (which starts on October 15) as a gift for anyone who makes a purchase of Kokoro in September.

If you are in the US/Canada this will be a pre-order before Kokoro is published there on October 1.

→ If you are anywhere else you can get the UK edition now, as it is already available, and enjoy reading along as we deep journal together.

To claim your free place on Autumn Light please order your copy of Kokoro in any format from any retailer and then pop your receipt details into the short form at I hope you love both the book and course. 💙