The Book Dream Incubator

Join me in October/November to dream your book idea into being, for less than the price of a paperback!

Hello there, my name is Beth Kempton and I am an author of six self-help books which have been translated into nearly 30 languages. I just agreed terms on my 57th book deal, for the Arabic edition of my book The Way of the Fearless Writer. Over the past few years I have mentored hundreds of writers to take a vague idea for a book and shape it into a compelling book proposal, with a staggering success rate of agent signings and book deals for those who have pitched to publishers.

I love this work, but I am also conscious that 1:1 mentoring and deep-dive masterclasses are not within financial reach for everyone. That is why I have created ✨THE BOOK DREAM INCUBATOR✨, a gentle five-week experience where I open up a space to tend to our book dreams, and guide you through the process of shaping your book idea. (Even if you don’t think you have a book idea, you probably will by the end of it!)

I am offering this right here on Substack.

For five weeks in October and November this year, I will be offering step-by-step guidance to all members of my Substack writing community SoulCircle, to help them shape a book idea. This includes:

  • Complimentary access to my mini course How To Get A Book Deal (this will be delivered via a private classroom at a gentle pace of one lesson per week, over the five weeks, to give plenty of time for dreaming and scheming)

  • Five weeks of writing prompts associated with the world of books, to inspire you to go deep on your dream, without it feeling like an effort* (these take the form of the weekly Journal Notes I send out to all SoulCircle members)

  • Direct encouragement for your idea from me in our SoulChat private chat space

  • A LIVE deep-dive Q&A on all things publishing, answering any questions you may have (to the extent that I can answer them from my perspective as an author!)

This has a total value of more than £130/$150, but ALL of it is included in your SoulCircle membership (just £7.99/month). You only need to belong for two months to enjoy everything in The Book Dream Incubator, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

To join SoulCircle and prepare for the incubator, just go to and choose Monthly or Annual.

I see you there carrying a deeply hidden creative dream. In October and November, we will be dedicating SoulCircle to the tending of such dreams.

→ If you are already a member of SoulCircle this is already included in your subscription. You will receive more info by email in due course :-)

→ If you are not a member of SoulCircle yet, you can join today here (choose ‘Monthly’ or ‘Annual’) You only need to be a member for two months from today in order to access all that is offered in The Book Dream Incubator, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Here’s how it works:

The incubator will be open from October 21 - November 24, and this is how it will work:

  • Shortly before we begin all SoulCircle members will receive an email containing a 100% discount code for my mini course How To Get a Book Deal with an invitation to register at no additional cost, so you can access its structured content via a private classroom on my website, and work through it together with me and the rest of SoulCircle.

  • Each Monday from October 21 to November 18 SoulCircle members will receive our regular SoulCircle Journal Note into their inbox/on the Substack app as usual (these will all have a book/creativity related theme as part of the Book Dream Incubator series).

  • Each Monday a new lesson from my mini course How To Get a Book Deal will also be released in the classroom for SoulCircle members, with a short video to watch and a PDF to download and fill in. You might like to make a date at your favourite cafe, or go for a walk to ponder the questions. Take it slowly and enjoy the process. (In the weekly Journal Note I will explain which lesson we are working on that week)

  • Each Monday in our SoulChat space here on the Substack app I will open up a thread for conversation about that week's Journal Note theme and that week's lesson. As a SoulCircle member you will be welcome to share anything relevant there if you'd like to.

  • Then in the final week, on Wednesday November 20, we will dedicate our SoulCircle Quarterly Group Mentoring/Live Q&A session to the world of writing books. (This will be 7-8pm UK time and SoulCircle members will get access to a replay)

Sound like just the kind of support your book dream needs? Then join us! UPgrade to paid today or go to and choose ‘Monthly’ or ‘Annual’. Remember you only have to belong for the next two months to get access to the Book Dream Incubator, and you can unsubscribe at anytime.

If you have any questions please DM me or ask on Substack Notes.

I cannot wait to help breathe life into your book idea.

Beth Xx